2Q20 Market Review

Our 2nd quarter 2020 market review is now available, here. Equity markets around the globe posted positive returns in the second quarter. Looking at broad market indices, US equities outperformed non-US developed markets and emerging markets. Value stocks underperformed growth stocks, and small caps outperformed large caps. REIT indices underperformed equity market indices in both … Continue reading 2Q20 Market Review

The Rise of Short-Term Rates While many market participants were waiting for the “inevitable” rise in short-term interest rates  expected when the Federal Reserve tightened its monetary policy, some investors may have missed the increase in short-term rates already underway as a result of market forces. Read More.

Should Investors Sell After a “Correction”? Financial professionals generally describe any decline of 10% or more from a previous peak as a “correction,” although it is unclear what investors should do with this information. Should they seek to protect themselves from further declines by selling, or should they consider it an opportunity to purchase stocks … Continue reading

Living with volatility, again. Volatility is back. Just as many people were starting to think markets only ever move in one direction, the pendulum has swung the other way. Anxiety is a completely natural response to these events. Acting on those emotions, though, can end up doing us more harm than good. Read more.